We’re happy to announce the new ALQO Masternode Setup Script with support for multi-node installation.
Supported OS: Ubuntu 16.04/17.10/18.04/18.10/19.10; CentOS 7/8; Debian 8/9/10; Fedora 27-31
Download and prepare the script:
wget -O alqomnautosetup.sh https://unclear.space/repo/alqo/alqomnautosetup.sh; chmod +x alqomnautosetup.sh
Run script:
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Please join the CryptoScope Discord for script support, with additional limited support provided in the ALQO Discord server, in channel #general_support.
This script was prepared in cooperation with CryptoScope & is approved by the ALQO core team.
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